Thursday, October 30, 2008

1. “Because of successful identity politics, people have come to identify profoundly with other kinds of groups — ‘I am a Jew,’ or ‘a French person.’ But it’s not likely with ‘I am an ugly person and let’s have a meeting of all ugly people.’ Most people in general would want to disclaim membership. It’s like declaring yourself a member of the clueless, " Sherry F. Colb, a law professor at Cornell said."

"Defining ugliness is difficult."

“Beautiful people are considered to be more intelligent, sexier, more trustworthy and they have more partners,” Dr. Synnott said. “And this implies that ugly people are assumed to be less trustworthy and less intelligent.”

I'm not saying that anything is wrong with the less pretty, but I thought that these were interesting quotes about the perception of ugliness.

2. Tina is back and not a moment too soon.

3. I really love the NYT.


LJ, DC and ML said...

I frequently feel discriminated against because I am ugly. who wants to join my club?

Molly said...

No. People only hate me because I'm beautiful. (HA!)